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Soldo’s Summer Update: Helping you accomplish more with new platform updates

3 July 2024  |   5 minutes read

For us, 2024 is about ensuring that finance teams are liberated from the laborious admin of spend management – freeing them and their business to focus on strategic activities that drive competitiveness. Our latest updates continue to listen to you and your needs – so we’ve gone back to basics to ensure more productivity and reduce inconveniences when managing your spend.

Maximising your productivity, putting you in control:

Make all forms of payments through one solution

We’ve introduced more options to make payments via Soldo than ever before. Teams can now handle different types of payments under one roof, without having to seek different methods elsewhere. ‘Pay Someone’ brings the flexibility to make outbound bank transfers to employees or suppliers directly from the Soldo platform. So for moments when using your Soldo card isn’t an option, Pay Someone acts as the alternative to ensure you can pay supplier invoices or make one-off external payments from the Soldo platform.

Reach new levels of efficiency by setting card rules in bulk

For organisations with a large volume of cards to manage – setting spend rules for these cards is now a smooth and seamless task. Whether it’s setting spending limits or specifying how and when Soldo cards can be used (e.g. limiting use by geo-location or merchant category), these rules can now be set in bulk via ‘Card Rules Presets’. Not only does this reduce any manual effort but it means that different presets can be configured and applied to specific groups or teams – the result – full control of spend based on your business needs.

Enjoy greater flexibility with temporary virtual cards available via mobile

We want to ensure that anyone using Soldo is empowered to make a purchase as and when they need to, wherever they are. We’ve brought our ‘Pre-approved spend’ capabilities over to mobile to enable exactly that – giving admins and users the flexibility to request, approve and access Temporary virtual cards on the go.

Reducing those inconveniences:

Fewer disruptions when you’re in the zone

We’ve all been there, being logged-out of an app when working across different tools and trying to get things done. Our updated inactivity timer, means that you can be inactive for 15 minutes without having to log-in again, giving you more time to focus on the tasks at hand.

Want to maximise Soldo’s capabilities? Explore our new Business API portal

Our Business API Portal is a one-stop resource for teams seeking to automate financial processes. User-friendly, and comprehensive – our documentation covers how our APIs facilitate everything from transaction exports to virtual card management, driving productivity across the board.

Continuously building around your needs

Our Soldo team is on the ground listening out for your challenges and needs. Our platform improvements and feature releases aim to push you to greater levels of productivity.

If you want to learn more about these features and Soldo’s Amazon Business integration, check out our latest product update webinar.

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New integration: effortless bookkeeping with Soldo and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

14 December 2023  |   3 minutes read

We’re excited to announce that you can now integrate Soldo with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to make your bookkeeping effortless.

“At Soldo, our goal is to simplify tasks for our customers. Recognising that many of our users rely on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, we’ve integrated the two platforms, accelerating the reconciliation process and enhancing financial reporting and analysis.” – Martina Paolicchi, Integrations Product Manager at Soldo

This integration is available on Soldo Pro, Premium and Enterprise plans today at no additional cost.

Why integrate Soldo with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central?

Soldo’s direct connection to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central syncs your expense data for accurate accounting and easy reconciliation.

Save time and effort: Sync your Soldo expense data to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in a single click. This integration seamlessly transfers financial information without the risk of human error.

Speed up month-end: Close your books faster with the data you need for easy reconciliation. The Soldo mobile app captures receipts, lists, and notes at the point of purchase. Validate and effortlessly send this data to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Improve accuracy: Eliminate the risk of manual data entry errors for hassle-free, accurate reporting. Make more informed decisions based on precise, real-time financial data.

How can you connect Soldo and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central?

To connect Soldo to your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central account, simply log in to Soldo and look for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in the search box of the Marketplace section.

Next, select Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and authorise the connection. Then, choose whether you want to export transactions to Microsoft Dynamics 365 as journal lines or purchase invoices. And you’re ready to go!

Connect today for seamless and accurate financial reporting with Soldo and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

For more information, speak to your Customer Success Manager or read though our FAQs.

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New integration: Automatically reconcile your Amazon Business expenses

28 November 2023  |   4 minutes read

Today we’re excited to announce Soldo’s new collaboration with Amazon Business.

At Soldo, we saw that our customers were processing thousands of transactions with Amazon Business. So we set out to make it a process that’s even easier to manage.

The new Soldo and Amazon Business integration automates the retrieval and reconciliation of Amazon Business invoices to eliminate errors and save your valuable time.

This integration is available on Soldo Premium and Enterprise plans today at no additional cost.

Why integrate Soldo with Amazon Business?

  • Save time: Always have the information you need for reconciliation. No need to download invoices or chase up invoices every month.
  • Save money: Use a dedicated virtual Soldo card for your Amazon Business purchases. Set custom spending limits, track budgets, and get granular control of your Amazon spending.
  • Save the hassle: Automatically match your Amazon Business invoices with transactions in Soldo to simplify reconciliation and eliminate errors.

“At Soldo we’re always looking for ways to save time for our customers. When we reviewed all the transaction data on our platform, it was clear that Amazon Business is a top merchant for our customers and having a seamless integration will add a lot of value.”
Martina Paolicchi, Integrations Product Manager at Soldo

How does it work?

When Amazon Business generates an invoice for one of your purchases on the platform, the invoice will automatically be sent to your Soldo account. Soldo then matches the invoice to the transaction, and reconciliation is done for you. Month-end made easy!

Get started today

To unlock this time-saving integration, simply activate the Amazon Business integration in the Marketplace section of your Soldo account.

Amazon Business integration

For more information, you can speak to your Customer Success Manager or read though our FAQs.

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Introducing mileage reimbursement

23 October 2023  |   6 minutes read

In speaking to our customers, we know two things to be true:

  1. Business mileage is one of the most common types of expense claims finance teams are managing day-to-day.
  2. Claiming and reimbursing business mileage is a challenge for both finance teams and employees.

That’s why we’re excited to introduce Soldo’s new mileage reimbursement feature, designed to make mileage claims and reimbursement easy and accurate for everyone involved. With this new feature, our customers can simplify business spending even further, managing every type of expense in one platform.

What business mileage reimbursement challenges are we looking to solve?

Here are some of the main challenges that have influenced our approach to mileage at Soldo:

  • Employees who use their own personal vehicles, don’t get receipts for miles done for work, and must manually capture odometer readings etc. This makes reconciliation tricky, time-consuming, and frustrating.
  • It goes without saying that finance teams need to reimburse mileage claims accurately. However, being fair and correct isn’t always easy with so many different types of vehicles and manual approaches to calculating distance.
  • Many businesses use multiple disparate expense management processes and systems. This makes it impossible to centrally manage and stay on top of mileage – despite this being such a common business expense.

How does Soldo help with business mileage reimbursement?

Claim business mileage with ease

Using the Soldo Mobile App, employees can now add business trips and vehicle details in just a few taps. Soldo then automatically works out the reimbursement amount.

Here’s the best part: Soldo integrates seamlessly with Google Maps. Simply add your trip and vehicle details, then let Soldo calculate the distance for you. No more manual calculations.

Take control of mileage reimbursement rates

As an Admin, you can set default mileage reimbursement rates for various types of vehicles in Soldo – without being limited to a one-size-fits-all approach. Customise your rates by country, vehicle category, or even specific vehicle for advanced control and complete accuracy.

This level of customisation ensures that every mileage reimbursement is fair. An SUV isn’t the same as small-family hatchback, so why should they all be reimbursed at the same rate? With Soldo, you can configure the most common vehicle types and corresponding reimbursement rates.

Works with Soldo’s expense review

Now, you can review and approve mileage reimbursement claims just like any other expense in Soldo. Managing every type of expense in one platform means you save time by streamlining and automating your processes.

No more jumping around between different systems or approaches to manage different types of expenses. Do it all in Soldo.

“I’m excited about the launch of our mileage reimbursement feature. This is a common business expense that our customers have asked to manage in Soldo, and from today they can. We’ve made it easy for employees to submit mileage claims and for finance teams to make sure that reimbursement is accurate and fair.”Sarima Opara, Senior Product Manager, Soldo

Get started with mileage reimbursement today

The mileage reimbursement feature is available on our Premium and Enterprise plans. Get started today!

If you’re an Admin:

  • Log in to the Soldo Web App.
  • Add vehicles by clicking on ‘Configure’ in the left sidebar menu, then ‘Vehicles’.
  • Fill in the vehicle details and set a mileage reimbursement for each vehicle category, or for specific vehicles.

If you’re an Employee or an Approver:

  • Add your mileage in the ‘Users’ section of the Soldo Web App or Mobile App, just like you would for an out-of-pocket expense.
  • Fill in the details, use our Google Maps integration to help you add the correct distance, and select the relevant vehicle to get the right reimbursement rate.
  • Review and approve in minutes.

For more information, speak to your Account Manager or take a look at our FAQs.

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We’re now integrated with SAP Concur

18 April 2023  |   4 minutes read

We’re excited to announce that customers on our Enterprise plan can now integrate Soldo transaction data into SAP Concur. This provides a better way to give employees access to company money, with trust and control, while keeping tabs on finances within SAP Concur.

Monthly financial admin doesn’t need to be a chore. This integration automates the data transfer process, which saves your finance team the time and effort they’d normally spend copying data between systems. It also reduces the potential for any manual input mistakes, giving you confidence in your data and reporting.

How will this integration help you?

This integration brings together the spending power and control of Soldo Company Cards with the finance management capabilities (such as invoice management) of SAP Concur to deliver a unified experience.

Empower your employees, give them a Soldo Company Card

Employees shouldn’t be expected to use their own money for business purchases. This integration gives companies who use SAP Concur a way of giving their employees access to company money while maintaining control and oversight over spending.

Improve accuracy and prevent errors

You can now automatically see your Soldo transaction data in your SAP Concur account. Instead of having to manually input data, which is open to the potential of inaccuracies and human error, you have automated, reliable data ready to use at your fingertips.

A single, consistent and accurate view of your expense data

It can be tricky to keep track of employee and business spending when you have to switch between lots of different systems and data sets. This integration allows you to create a single source of expense data truth, so you can keep track of spending in one place.

Speed up your reporting

Sync Soldo transaction data with your existing SAP Concur account to give you all the financial data you need for monthly reconciliation. This also helps with detailed reporting and spend analysis so you can identify key trends and patterns as well as opportunities for cost saving.

How does it work?

Joining Soldo with your SAP Concur account, via Bank Feed integration, is simple:

  1. Contact your SAP Concur representative
  2. SAP Concur will share the required integration details with us
  3. We’ll connect the two systems
  4. We’ll contact you to confirm the integration

If you need help getting set up, we’re happy to support you through this process.

Please note that exported transactions will be assigned to the corresponding employee based on their employee ID specified within Soldo.

Get started today

Now that you know how this integration can support you and how to sync the two platforms together, it’s time to get connecting! For more information, speak to your Customer Success Manager or take a look at our FAQs.


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Exact Online integration: Streamline your accounting 

6 February 2023  |  

In line with other integrations launched last year, we've recently added Exact Online to our list of accounting software partners. 

As an Exact Online user, you are now able to sync expense data from Soldo with Exact – your accounting software. The ability to upload documents, receipts, and notes in a click will save your team a lot of time and hassle, and free them from manual expense chores. 

How does it work? 

To connect Soldo to your Exact Online account, log in to Soldo and go to ‘integrations’. Here you will find the option for Exact Online. Next, click on ‘Add Integration’. 

  • Bank feed is an automatic daily sync of all settled transactions from the previous day  
  • Soldo will automatically create purchase entries that put together receipts, notes, and accounting information; 
  • Transactions will be grouped by 'journal’ and the bank account they’re linked to.  

How will this integration help you? 

The Soldo and Exact Online integration exports spend data such as receipts, invoices, categories, and notes in a click – saving you time, improving your bookkeeping accuracy, and presenting a consolidated view of your cash flow. 

  1. Save time reconciling your monthly bank feed transactions  

This integration means we handle your payment reconciliation automatically. Every card payment is pushed to Exact Online as a purchase, and instantly reconciled with its payment. Communication between Exact and Soldo is seamless – you don’t have to break a sweat.  

  1. Faster month-end close with automated accounting updates  

Make the most of your time with your accountant by focusing on value-add tasks. This integration ensures that employee and company expenses are booked into your Exact software easily and without delay – pre-categorised, under the appropriate ledger/creditor, necessary attachments included. Your accounting team won’t need to send those dreaded emails asking for receipts, and you won’t have to receive them.  

  1. Accurate data, error-free and effortlessly 

Avoid the pain of finding someone has made a manual input error, and get precise and detailed data automatically instead. Syncing all your expense information with your accounting system means no manual input – putting an end to gaps in your data or mistakes such as repeated entries. 

  1. Full view of your cash flow 

Get real-time reporting on expenses, costs, and incomes, so you can maintain balance. With this integration, you get an in-depth view of everything that needs accounting. Seeing all your spending data in one place will enable better reporting and analytics – and therefore better, more accurate forecasting. You can stay on top of your finances while moving the business forward! 

Get started today 

Now that you know how to sync the two platforms and what this will mean for you, let’s get the ball rolling.  

Log in to Soldo, link your Exact Online account, and streamline your accounting! 

5 minutes read

In line with other integrations launched last year, we’ve recently added Exact Online to our list of accounting software partners. 

As an Exact Online user, you are now able to sync expense data from Soldo with Exact – your accounting software. The ability to upload documents, receipts, and notes in a click will save your team a lot of time and hassle, and free them from manual expense chores. 

How does it work? 

To connect Soldo to your Exact Online account, log in to Soldo and go to ‘integrations’. Here you will find the option for Exact Online. Next, click on ‘Add Integration’. 

  • Bank feed is an automatic daily sync of all settled transactions from the previous day  
  • Soldo will automatically create purchase entries that put together receipts, notes, and accounting information; 
  • Transactions will be grouped by ‘journal’ and the bank account they’re linked to.  

How will this integration help you? 

The Soldo and Exact Online integration exports spend data such as receipts, invoices, categories, and notes in a click – saving you time, improving your bookkeeping accuracy, and presenting a consolidated view of your cash flow. 

  1. Save time reconciling your monthly bank feed transactions  

This integration means we handle your payment reconciliation automatically. Every card payment is pushed to Exact Online as a purchase, and instantly reconciled with its payment. Communication between Exact and Soldo is seamless – you don’t have to break a sweat.  

  1. Faster month-end close with automated accounting updates  

Make the most of your time with your accountant by focusing on value-add tasks. This integration ensures that employee and company expenses are booked into your Exact software easily and without delay – pre-categorised, under the appropriate ledger/creditor, necessary attachments included. Your accounting team won’t need to send those dreaded emails asking for receipts, and you won’t have to receive them.  

  1. Accurate data, error-free and effortlessly 

Avoid the pain of finding someone has made a manual input error, and get precise and detailed data automatically instead. Syncing all your expense information with your accounting system means no manual input – putting an end to gaps in your data or mistakes such as repeated entries. 

  1. Full view of your cash flow 

Get real-time reporting on expenses, costs, and incomes, so you can maintain balance. With this integration, you get an in-depth view of everything that needs accounting. Seeing all your spending data in one place will enable better reporting and analytics – and therefore better, more accurate forecasting. You can stay on top of your finances while moving the business forward! 

Get started today 

Now that you know how to sync the two platforms and what this will mean for you, let’s get the ball rolling.  

Log in to Soldo, link your Exact Online account, and streamline your accounting! 

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Everything you need to know about our new plans

31 October 2022  |   9 minutes read
New plans

We’ve got some exciting news! After a lot of careful thinking and hard work behind the scenes, we’re thrilled to have launched a shiny new range of Soldo plans.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about our new plans, including:

  • Why we’ve launched new plans
  • What’s included in our new plans
  • How you can move to a new plan

Before we dive in though, we wanted to make two things very clear.

Firstly, these aren’t just new plans for new customers. All existing customers can move straight over to a new plan – whether that’s a simple old-to-new switch or an upgrade to the next plan level.

And secondly, you can find even more detailed information about our new plans by heading over to the dedicated FAQs page on our website.

The thinking behind our new plans

We’ve launched new plans for a simple, yet crucially important, reason: to better serve your needs.

As a business, we’re committed to continuous improvement and constantly evolving to meet our customers’ changing needs. Our new plans are designed to give you even more value and the best possible experience from Soldo.

The plans include a range of exciting new features (more on these below) that put you firmly in the driver’s seat. Advanced control means managing all your company and employee expenses in one place – increased flexibility means doing that in a way that suits you and your business.

No more messy switching between systems and spreadsheets. From splitting payments into multiple transactions and managing out-of-pocket expenses, to identifying and controlling out-of-policy spending. Everything you need to oversee every business expense, ready and waiting for you in Soldo.

Importantly, all of the new and improved features we roll out now and in the future are exclusively available on our new plans…watch this space for outbound transfers coming early 2023.

Let’s talk about the new features

The new features we’ve launched (and the adjustments we’ve made to existing ones) better reflect the needs of our customers today. And that’s just the beginning of a whole roadmap of features that we’re rolling out exclusively for our new plans in the coming months – and long into the future.

With these features, our new plans unlock a truly end-to-end, integrated company spend and employee expense management experience.

To get a better idea of what that means in practice, let’s take a look at some of the features exclusively available on our new plans as well as a few key adjustments.

Spotlight on our new Pro plan

When you move to our new Pro plan, you’ll get:

  • Access to brand new expense management features you can use to review, track and classify expenses into customisable categories that make sense for your business
  • Three cards for subscriptions/online ads included in the price of your plan, plus a dedicated dashboard to give you complete visibility
  • More control over ad-hoc spending with five temporary virtual cards per month included in your plan, valid for seven days and up to 10 purchases
  • The flexibility to add between three and 20 users to your account with a card for every user included and up to 30 cards available

We’ve made a few adjustments to make sure the features are better aligned to each plan. For example, transaction reporting and auto-tagging will now be available from our Premium plan level.

Spotlight on our new Premium plan

Our new Premium plan includes five cards for subscription/online ads and 10 temporary virtual cards for pre-approved spend per month. You can add between three and 30 users, each with their own card included and up to 40 cards available.

The best part about moving or upgrading to a new Premium plan is exclusive access to our full expense management suite, meaning you can:

  • Add out-of-pocket expenses to Soldo, so you can track and manage all company spending in one place
  • Split single transactions into several with the right amount of money attributed to the right employee to get more accurate reporting
  • Add spending policy profiles directly to Soldo and run reports that highlight any transactions that fall outside of them to easily identify and manage out-of-policy expenses
  • Categorise transactions, so employees can classify payments into categories you’ve defined to suit your needs

On all our new plans

You’ll pay a monthly fee on our new plans. This is based on the number of users on your Soldo account, instead of the number of cards. Monthly fees start from a minimum of three users and every user has a card included.

Check out our pricing page for all the details.

How soon can you move to a new plan?

You can move to a new plan right now in four simple steps:

  1. Log in to your Soldo account
  2. Go to Company info
  3. Open the Soldo plans tab
  4. Select the new plan you’d like to move to

When you move to a new plan, we’ll make the change immediately, starting from the current billing period. If you decide to move to a different plan at any time after 24 October 2022, only our new plans will be available.

We recommend moving as soon as possible to start getting the most value from Soldo. You’ll instantly unlock your exclusive access to new and upcoming features only available on our new plans.

Log in now to get started or head to our pricing page to choose the best new plan for your business.

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Introducing our new expense management features, that help you manage all your business spending in one place

6 October 2022  |   8 minutes read
woman on laptop

We’re introducing new features to help you oversee more of your spending and save even more time. Our new Expense Management functions allow you to manage and track out-of-pocket expenses, set up policy limits, categorise expenses, split single transactions, and download reimbursement reports.

Why manual processes don’t work

In a recent article, we highlighted that in many businesses, expense management processes are still rudimentary and rely on employees paying out of pocket, filling in template spreadsheets, and submitting their receipts at month-end. These processes are slow and manual, and create a number of problems:

Human errors – Employees must enter information manually, so it’s easy to make mistakes. They might put transactions in the wrong categories or enter the wrong values.

Slow submission – When employees are asked to enter data themselves and store receipts for reconciliation, finance teams often need to chase up information to get a complete picture.

Inconsistency – Manual processes make it difficult for department and line managers to follow company policy consistently.

Lack of transparency – As spend management submissions are manual, piecemeal, and infrequent, it’s difficult for CFOs to get full visibility of spending across their business.

Our new expense management features

We’ve introduced new features to save you time and effort and give you even more flexibility to manage your expenses in a way that suits you.

1. Manage out-of-pocket expenses

Employees often need to pay for business-related expenses with money or their own card. For example, a taxi might only accept cash, or they may have forgotten their company card. This can leave teams struggling to coordinate different kinds of payments that need to be managed in different systems.

Take control of every expense, all in one place

With Soldo, you can capture out-of-pocket expenses as well as those made with a Soldo card. That means you can track and manage all your expenses in one platform.

2. Enforce your company spending policies

Company spending policies outline what employees can spend on and how much. Having a transparent spending policy saves employees time (as they don’t need to go looking for information) and ensures a fair and consistent approach between individuals and across different teams or departments. Relying on manual processes can make it difficult for managers to find and follow the agreed rules.

Set up spending policy profiles to align your spending with agreed rules

With Soldo, you can set up spending policy profiles. This allows you to mirror your spend limits, and other restrictions, in your Soldo account. Instantly highlight transactions not in line with company rules and run reports with out-of-policy transaction amounts.

3. Manage your spending flexibly

Real business spending isn’t always straightforward, and employees regularly need to cover costs for other people. For example, if colleagues have shared a meal or if one person has organised travel or tickets for a group. Manual processes make it difficult to manage these more complex transactions where the total amount can’t be attributed to a single employee.

Split transactions for more accurate reporting

Our new feature allows users to split single transactions into multiple transactions so that different amounts can be attributed to different people. This ensures that individuals don’t exceed their spending limits if they’ve paid for other people and finance teams get more accurate spending information.

4. Get a complete and correct overview of spending

When employees make purchases with cash or personal cards as well as company cards, manual processes make it difficult to categorise which transactions are company expenses and which are personal expenses.

Spend categorisation gives an accurate view of spending

With our new features, Admins can create custom rules that allow users to categorise their expenses by MCC or classify each transaction as a company or personal expense.

screenshot of approval/validation feature in app

5. Take the pain out of reimbursements

Out-of-pocket expenses mean reimbursements. With manual processes, these can be slow. This leaves employees without personal funds, which can put a strain on their finances and build resentment.

Create reimbursement reports and repay employees in good time

With Soldo, it’s easy to create reports that outline the funds that need to be reimbursed to employees, which makes it easier to get payments out quickly. Admins can also run reports to highlight out-of-policy spending amounts, so they know what payments need to be charged.

screenshot of expense review feature in app

Soldo Expense Management: manage all your company expenses in one platform

Our new expense management features make it easy to review and track all your business expenses. Manage out-of-pocket expenses, set up spending policy profiles, and easily split and categorise transactions for more accurate reporting – all in one place.

See our pricing section to understand what’s included in your plan.

Ready to get started?

Log in to your web console and simply click on “Expense review” on the left-hand menu to start your set-up.

Get started

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Managing ad-hoc spending requests across your company

28 July 2022  |   7 minutes read

Introducing Temporary Virtual Cards, an even more flexible way to cover expenses

Our new Pre-approved Spend feature is replacing Purchases, so you can create temporary virtual cards that cover more than one transaction. Get better flexibility, visibility, and control over even more expenses. Here’s how and why temporary virtual cards will benefit your team and your business.

As we face continued economic uncertainty, it’s vital that businesses can act quickly and flexibly to keep projects moving and teams working effectively. Wasting time waiting for approvals for vital equipment, software, or subscriptions just isn’t an option.

That’s why we’ve upgraded our single-use virtual cards to give businesses more control over exactly how they spend. Our pre-paid temporary virtual cards allow individuals, projects, or teams to make purchases for 7 days after they’re activated, up to a pre-approved spend limit. And the purchase limit can be set between 1 and 10 transactions. This unlocks flexible short-term spending for expenses like business trips, courses, or training. And we’ve made the approvals process quicker and easier to use and customise.

Managing employee expenses can be challenging

Approvals and reimbursements create hours of admin

Every employee, project, and department needs to spend, but it’s not practical to give everyone a company card. That can leave teams wasting time sorting expense claims after paying out of pocket, when they’ve got more important work to focus on. And waiting for approvals, even for very small amounts, can leave individuals unable to work without vital equipment or software. Projects stall and work grinds to a halt.

Sharing cards adds risk

To get round lengthy approvals processes, individuals are often forced to borrow cards to make ad-hoc, last-minute purchases. This creates unnecessary security risks and can quickly get out of hand. Card details can easily fall into the wrong hands, both inside and outside your business. With online payments on the rise, card-not-present fraud, where scammers try to make transactions with card details rather than a physical card, is also becoming more of a threat.

Card-sharing blocks full visibility of spend

When employees share cards, it’s impossible for finance teams to know exactly who has spent what and why. This makes it difficult for them to allocate budgets, forecast future spend, and reduce duplicate or inefficient purchasing. Creating granular reports that break spend down by individual, merchant, or purchase type help businesses take control of their spend.

A new solution for ad-hoc spending: temporary virtual cards

Temporary virtual cards are part of the new Soldo Pre-approved Spend feature that allows you to manage all occasional spending requests in real-time.

Using your existing request and approval process in Soldo, you can now create a pre-paid virtual card with a set budget in seconds. Each card expires 7 days after the activation date and issuers can set a transaction limit – between 1 and 10 transactions. When you create a card, Soldo generates a new card number which is destroyed when the card expires. This card data is securely stored in one place and can only be accessed by the issuer and the user so there’s no risk of it falling into the wrong hands.

Why use a temporary virtual card?

Get more flexibility

Our new Pre-approved Spend feature is replacing our Purchases tool. With Purchases you could create a one-off card number for a single transaction. But with Pre-approved Spend, you decide the spend and number of transactions (between 1 to 10) an individual or team can make, while they can spend more flexibly. Temporary virtual cards are ideal for employees who need to make a few purchases over 7 days. For example, covering ad-hoc expenses during business trips, training courses, or events.

Increase efficiency

Temporary virtual cards cut the time and effort employees need to spend making, chasing, and approving spend requests. The dedicated approvals workflow allows teams to request and manage both single and multiple payments. It’s all done in one system without the need for paper expense forms, back-and-forth emails, or sharing corporate cards. And requests are routed to the right person at the right time, so employees don’t waste time waiting for spend approval.

Empower your employees

Instead of limiting spending to a select few employees, temporary virtual cards allow anyone to spend without increasing the risk of fraud, over-spending, or misuse of company cards. While employees, teams, and projects are empowered to make the purchases they need to keep your business moving, finance teams keep control of what’s being spent. And everything is done in real-time via the employee expenses app and dashboard.

Protect your business

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) prevents anyone but the requester from using the temporary virtual card details, and the card is destroyed once the transaction is complete.

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Make payments fast and simple with Google Pay ™️

26 July 2022  |   4 minutes read

Paying with Google Pay is fast, convenient, and safe all at once – and you can now make the most of it with Soldo.

Need to pay for last-minute important event materials or hop on in a taxi for an urgent meeting? You can leave your wallet and your Soldo card at home, and you’ve still got it covered, with Google Pay.

You can now use Google Pay to make in-store payments anywhere that accepts contactless, and online or in-app payments wherever you see the signs below with your Soldo user card.

Make payments fast and simple with Google Pay ™️

Paying with Google Pay is also incredibly secure; Google Pay never shares your card details with merchants. Instead, Google Pay creates an encrypted virtual account number that is shared with merchants when you make an in-store payment – giving you peace of mind and an additional layer of security!

You can add your physical or virtual Soldo user card to Google Pay by manually entering your card details or via the Soldo app. Here’s how you do it.

How can I add my Soldo card to Google Pay?

To add your Soldo user card to Google Pay via the Soldo mobile app follow the below steps:

Step 1: Log in to your Soldo app and go to ‘Cards

Step 2: Select the card you want to add to Google Pay

Step 3: Tap ‘Add to G Pay’ and follow the instructions to get set up!

How can I add my Soldo card to Google Pay

Alternatively, to add your Soldo user card to Google Pay manually. Once that’s done, you’ll be ready to use Google Pay with Soldo. Google Pay is available to use on multiple devices including your Android phone, smart watch, and tablet.

Start using Google Pay

Log in to your web console and head to the ‘Cards’ section to check if your card is compatible with Google Pay.

If your current card isn’t compatible, you can easily replace it with a new card. Get in touch with our customer support team or follow the steps via the web console to get a new card enabled for Google Pay.

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